Sonus bv consultant acoustical engineers
Sonus bv offers professional consultancy in the fields of acoustics, noise control and vibration. Our well-qualified, motivated and enthusiastic staff are your guarantee for high qualified work. The personal involvement of both management and staff ensures that the client's requirements and expectations are fully satisfied without, in anyway whatsoever, affecting the integrity of our bureau.
Sonus bv was established by its present Managing Director and is now a well balanced, mature company with a flat organisation, resulting in short, direct lines of communication.
Sonus bv consultant engineers is extremely flexible and able to comply with the client's requirements quickly and effectively.
Sonus bv is located in Dordrecht but work is accepted from all over the world.
The consulting engineers of Sonus bv are specialised in all aspects of noise and vibration control in the machine, the oil and gas, the marine and the building industry.
The engineers of Sonus bv are the perfect partner in solving and avoiding problems concerning noise, vibration and dynamic engineering..